Nekaj posnetkov z vulkanskega otoka Nysiros, (pravzaprav so vsi tukajšnji posnetki iz notranjosti kaldere). Zanimivo je, da je vulkan, pravzaprav vodna kaldera v glavni kalderi, še vedno aktivna in ima veliko lukenj iz katerih se kadijo vroči plini. Barve okoli njih pa so odvisne od sestave pihajočih plinov.
Otok ima zelo velike termalne kapacitete, celo tolike, da bi lahko oskrboval z elektriko (preko termalnih elektrarn) področje 12 otokov (Dodecanese), med katerimi sta Kos in Rodos. Toda, prebivalci so se odločili, da tega ne bodo naredili in, da tudi turizma ne bodo razvijali bolj, kot ga imajo sedaj. Celo starodavne rimske terme, ki so še med II. svetovno vojno delovale (za bogate in vplivne Italijane), so zaprte. Na tem otoku so se prebivalci odločili ustaviti čas, zaenkrat jim to uspeva.
Couple of shots from volcanic island Nysiros (actually, all shots are from caldera). It is still active volcano, actually water caldera inside main caldera is active, with a lot of holes, from which different gasses are released. Colors of the soil arround holes, depends on type of the gas blown from them.
The island have high thermal water capacities, so high, that they have enough of thermal energy, to produce and supply electricity for all islands in Dodecanese group (Kos and Rhodes are in Dodecanese group). But, people from the island had decided not to do that, even more, tourism will stay on the same level as it is. Even ancient Roman spas (which were in use by Italian rich and powerful people even during the 2nd WW) are closed today. On this island, people decided to stop the time, so far, so good.

1 komentar:
Hi Branko,
What a nice picture you take. I am really impressed. Those pics are awaken the lyre of my heart...
I am planning to have Kimono show next month. Then I will show on my blog! I hope you will enjoy it.
Best wishes
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