Tale pop (=župnik) je zapiral vrata, ko smo prišli. Ko nas je zagledal, je odprl vrata, se šel obleč in z zadovoljstvom poklepetal z nami (on nemško, jaz angleško, veliko mahanja) ter poziral pred aparatom. Prijazen možakar, ni kaj (saj se vidi).
Man of God

Thats how local priest posed for the bennefit of Greece tourism! Photo was taken on a doorstep of a little church in village Lagoudi, placed just couple hundred meters away from village Zia, known by best view of the sunset on Kos island. It is nice, but over-rated, really.
The priest was just closing the door of church when we came. When he saw us, he went back, opened the door again, get dressed (he was already in white T-shirt) and start chatting with us. He spoke greek and german, I made conversation in english and wavish (hand-waving-language). He made also a couple of poses for my camera and that was it! Nice guy, as you can see.
4 komentarji:
lep portret zanimivo kako brada in lasje izstopajo iz fotografije
Grki so itak zakon!
zelo zanimiv in spontan portret
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